Lose 5 lbs. of Bloated Belly Weight

Being Healthy
3 min readMay 30, 2021

You’re bloated, you’re distended, you’re filled with gas and you just put on a couple pounds.

Well I’m going to show you a sneaky way on how to remove those pounds and bloating in one day, take all the beverages that you’re drinking right now. Your sodas, your carbonated water and get rid of it. Start drinking only water you may think that drinking water is going to make you retain water. Drinking more water is like a diuretic it will get rid of those fluids, it will get your digestive tract working so much better and your distension will fade away. Be aware of those sugar alcohols that you’re eating Sorbitol, Mannitol, Xylitol those sugars put a burden on the digestive tract. It’s hard for the body to digest, it’s going to give you lots of gas. Look at the foods that you’re eating and the gum that you’re chewing.

Photos by Ella Olsson

Fiber is important for the health of our body it cleanses our digestive tract, it prevents cancer, it gets rid of that high cholesterol but if you’re not eating enough fiber, you decide that all of a sudden you start eating too much fiber your body is going to react slowly. Add that fiber more and more each day and that bloating will go away.

Photos by Riki Risnandar

Too much of the wrong fruits will cause more bloating because of the excessive sugar. Your peaches, your cherries, your mangoes and those fruits that have lots of sugars be aware cut back on those, start eating more berries like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. Blueberries will keep you from bloating and you will get your natural fiber and one of the most important things is you need to cut down those carbs. Excess carbs attracts water that’s stored as glycogen so the more carbs you eat the more water that’s being stored in your system it’s going to give you lots of bloating so cut back on the carbs eat more protein, more greens and you’ll see magic, it’s not always what you eat but how you eat.

If you’re talking too much while eating or you’re eating too fast, you’re going to swallow lots of air, slow down eat slower, put your utensils down your bloating will subside tremendously. Okay you may not be adding lots of salt to your foods but if you’re eating lots of frozen foods or packaged foods they’re loaded with sodium. Sodium absorbs water that’s going to put lots of weight and bloating in your tummy. It’s going to make you feel irritable so cut your sodium levels down and watch your portions.

If you’re eating lots of food at one time it’s going to affect your digestion, it’s going to cause more distension and more bloating and you’re going to retain more weight and one of our worst habits that most of us have is that we drink too much with our meal, so we are diluting our enzymes because when we get food into our stomach, hydrochloric acid as well as other enzymes is needed to digest our food as it moves into the intestines but if our enzymes are diluted we are going to have lots of gas, a lot of distensions and lots of water. So drink before or after your meal about 10 minutes or sip in between.

So i challenge you put it to the test you’ll see within 24 hours big changes your body will love.

Thanks for reading and please share this article with friends and family.

